Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Clean Up This MESS!

Dont panic! Put the phone down, tell Hoarders and Clean House they can head back to the studio, it has not gotten this bad... But... I'm reading a book that basically goes into the science of how clutter and messiness makes it impossible to think straight, and be positive. Its reminds me of what my mamma used to say, "Messy room? Messy life." This is proven so very true for me! For the past few weeks, I have really neglected my usually decently cleaned room, so that it is now A MESS! Your bedroom should be your haven, your sanctuary. Now, my room happens to have become be the meeting place for everyone, so there is a piece of every part of the house in there. Well here is what I realized today.

Looking back on the past few weeks, I have not been as positive as my normal self. I've even been feeling a bit of action-induced road rage in the past few weeks while driving (yelling with my head out the window while giving the finger counts as action, right?). I have been much more frustrated than I normally am and Im not feeling it!! You know what will be the answer to my blues??? TO CLEAN MY ROOM! So tonight, (after I finish this post of course), I plan to reorganize my space, declutter my room, which will in turn-- DECLUTTER MY MIND. No more road rage. No more loud talk. Time to take my serenity back.

Sometimes when u look into my glass house, its a mess. Eventually I clean it up. I've let u in anyway.


hicksgirl93 said...

"pick it up pick it up pick it up!" I love it. Decluttering is always good.

Petula said...

Yea, clutter can definitely put a damper on the brain.

Christelyn Karazin said...

I can attest to your Mom's advice. I'm busy trying to dig the mess out of my home and my head!

Veronica Lee said...

Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
Have a nice day!