Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Potty Wars

Aight. Its so no secret that my Vaani is not potty trained. My free spirited way of living, parenting, and teaching has kept me from worrying about it all this time. I kinda viewed it this way-- The same way a woman goes into labor when her body and baby are aligned and ready, no matter how many times the Doc comes in to say, "Miss, its time.." the process will take place when its TIME. The same way, no matter how many times I say, "Baby, its time.." she will go potty when her mind and body is ready. Im now starting to doubt my theory on that one. She will be 3 in December!! Here's a little rant on my frustrations with that. Dont judge me, I can do what I want.

So Im a new mommy. A young mommy. 20 something, and I dont know anything. This is all trial and error and I spend more time researching than implementing. (I DO implement tho. Dont get me wrong now..) Im truly a work in progress.

I take all -- well MOST -- of the advice I get from my elders, and from my 3 to 5 children havin veterans. But here I was thinking I knew something, only to find out that Im in the middle of the ocean with no engine. (Oops, did I need that thingy too?).. Rrrrrrriiiggght.

Now here's my experience. Chloe Sage. Age 1. 2007.
Mommy: Clo Clo's a big girl... Lets go potty.
Chloe: Ok Mommy, potty time fun!!!
A week later, I was giving away a box of size 3 diapers n pull ups. No night accidents. I swear it was that easy.

Mommy: Clo Clo, lets stop nursing.
Chloe: I was done anyway.
No nighttime feedings. No nursing for comfort sometimes. It happened just like that.

Mommy: Clo Clo, on to sip cups ok??
Chloe: Why did we ever even use babas?
We just threw em out. Never looked back.

It was easy. A little too easy for a young inexperienced mom. I thought I was ALL THAT in the mommy department. I mean, I had weaned and potty trained in weeks. WEEKS. Not months! Taught me NOTHING! Well, except to look at other mommies with 3yos that were not potty trained like, "HA, what are YOU doin wrong?? Potty training is a piece of cake!" WRONG wrong wrong I was.

So here I am, looking in the mirror, as black as all the pots I called out a couple years ago. All my friends children going potty, and me, paying that extra $20 fee for babysitting with diaper changes.

I did learn something very interesting yesterday. I was listening to a radio show that reminded me to focus on the essence of my child. I looooooove my S'vaani, and I swoon over that baby till the cows come in. BUT. She wont go potty. Here is a glimpse of Vaani's way of life.
(Total wakeup call for me, btw..)

New experience. S'vaan, Age 2.5. 2010
Mommy: Vaani such a big girl.. No more bottles, ok?...
Vaani: I'll give up the bottle when I feel like it. And thats not today. Sorry ma.

Mommy: Vaanipooh, lets stop nursing...
Vaani: Not a chance. Especially if I get hungry at night. And what am I suppose to do when I need comfort?? Pull it out ma, and get over yourself.

Mommy: Vaani... POTTY TIMMMMME!!! Lets go potty.
Vaani: Naaa, thats aiight. Can u hand me my diaper?

Sigh. Whats a young mamacita to do?? I have read every book, tried every old wives trick, sat her on the potty every 20 minutes for the last 6 months of my life! I've even reasoned with her about "getting Dora all wet.." Im just outta ideas people.

So, my bloggin mommies, what has been your potty training experience?? Give me some suggestions!

My glass house, and someone just peed on the floor.

xoxox LLP


Jewelry Rockstar said...

Well mine didn't potty train until close to three because the child development center the went to wouldn't allow early potty training. However, each child is different, as I am learning for the third time. Just try not to stress over it because there are not any normal adults who have never learned to go to the potty:)

Help! Mama Remote... said...

She'll go when she's good and ready! LOL Each child truly brings a new experience. My youngest will be 3 tomorrow & she's still on the glorified bottle!(sippy cup) Don't judge me!